Monday, December 16, 2013

Exponential & Logarithmic Form

A big thanks to Amy over at Square Root of Negative One Teach Math for helping me come up with an easy way for students to remember logarithmic form.


  1. I think this is truly a creative and clever way to help kids remember.

    I do worry, however, about whether it allows students to understand what's happening with log form.

    I do appreciate a good device!

    Have you visited

  2. Love nix the tricks. Great site. This would be a great example. LOL I completely agree that you need to get at the "math" instead of trying to short-cut to "tricks." Kids remember the tricks, but don't always remember why they are doing them. I made a point to show this after we were done with the lesson. It was more an after thought? Very helpful to students who weren't catching on and needed a visual.
